Pet Emergency Center
Gaining 1,500 square feet of additional space, compared to the former building, the new facility is firmly rooted in its agricultural surroundings. The building is perched on a concrete plinth to address the flood plain and in doing so creates visual connections from the entry lobby and staff lounge to the surrounding fields. The use of wood as a visible building material intentionally helps soften the anxiety of a client’s visit, and natural light fills the pet wards to connect patients and their owners to a feeling of hopefulness and calm. Interior relites borrow daylight from the dog ward to illuminate the treatment area.
Materials were also selected for durability and ease of maintenance. In a nod to resiliency and reliability, the entire facility is supported by an emergency generator. That is a benefit never enjoyed with the previous building which now allows for continuous 24/7 operation, no matter the circumstances.
Design/Build Project Success
Located entirely on one accessible level, client-facing spaces include the main lobby and five exam rooms, including a bereavement suite. Patient spaces are centered around an open treatment space bordered by dog and cat wards as well as a pharmacy area, x-ray station, and operating room. Support spaces include a laundry room, staff lounge, and clinic director’s office.
Throughout the process the Design/Build team worked collaboratively with the multi-owner group of veterinarians to create a building that brings calmness to their clients, creates an enjoyable work space for their employees, and may even attract new practitioners.