Mount Vernon Library Commons

The Mount Ver­non Li­brary Com­mons is a true legacy pro­ject for the Mount Ver­non com­mu­nity and its lead­er­ship. As a gate­way to our city, it will house the li­brary of our fu­ture, a com­mu­nity cen­ter for all, and a much needed park­ing garage. It will be a valu­able “step­ping-off” spot for lo­cal ac­tiv­i­ties.

When the Li­brary Com­mons doors open in 2024, a new chap­ter in our com­mu­ni­ty’s his­tory will be­gin, and it will be trans­for­ma­tional. This build­ing will be en­joyed and uti­lized by a va­ri­ety of di­verse groups, and will set the tone for mil­lions of vis­i­tors’ per­cep­tion of and ex­pe­ri­ence in our city.

For nearly 69 years, mem­bers of our of­fice have dri­ven past this prop­erty, wit­ness­ing its evo­lu­tion and dream­ing about its pos­si­bil­i­ties. For the past 29 years, the cur­rent firm lead­er­ship has been en­vi­sion­ing a gate­way build­ing on this site and how it would best serve and fit with our com­mu­nity. With the re­cent plan­ning that has been done, we see the real op­por­tu­nity for these dreams to fi­nally be­come re­al­ity. And for those of us who know this cor­ner and com­mu­nity so well, it’s an op­por­tu­nity of a life­time to uti­lize our knowl­edge and tech­ni­cal ex­per­tise on a pro­ject that has im­mense mean­ing and re­spon­si­bil­ity to our firm.

The Mount Vernon Library Commons is one of the most sus­tain­able pro­jects in the re­gion.  Slated to be a cer­ti­fied high-per­for­mance, low-EUI Pas­sive House pro­ject, it will also have a min­i­mum of 75 EV Charg­ing Sta­tions, elec­tric bike charg­ing sta­tions, a large so­lar pho­to­voltaic ar­ray, and be fo­cused on re­duc­ing the em­bod­ied car­bon through­out.

February 2024


Pet Emergency Center


Lake Cavanaugh Residence Addition