Swinomish Social Services Renovation

Interior main hall renovation of social services building

HKP Ar­chi­tects was con­tracted to man­age the re­con­struc­tion of the Swinomish Social Services Building, as well as de­sign a few in­te­rior ren­o­va­tions including the addition of an elevator, when wa­ter-in­tru­sion dam­age oc­curred dur­ing a re-roof­ing pro­ject. The scope of work in­cluded re­fin­ish­ing all of the in­te­rior spaces and fin­ishes to pro­vide this won­der­ful build­ing a fresh and re­spect­ful up­grade.

exterior image of social services renovation with wood structures

The GC/CM contracted renovation with Pottle & Sons Construction in­cluded a re­mod­el­ing of the po­lice de­part­ment, the ad­di­tion of four of­fice spaces and the ad­di­tion of an ac­ces­si­ble el­e­va­tor and exit. The ex­te­rior was com­pletely re-sided and re-roofed while ex­ist­ing wood beams and columns were sanded and re­fin­ished. The orig­i­nal build­ing was de­signed by L.A. Bail­ing & As­so­ci­ates in 1976 and re­mod­eled by Lid­dell-Ped­er­son in 2000. It serves the com­mu­nity daily and has been up­dated to be safer, more ef­fi­cient and re­flect the pride of the Swinomish Tribe.

wall art of swinomish renovation

The building is beautiful. You all did (and are doing, since the exit/elevator work continues) a great job of carrying out, designing/administering and shepherding the repair and remodel process. …the transformation is stunning.

Stephen T. LeCuyer
Of­fice of the Tribal At­tor­ney
Swinomish In­dian Tribal Com­mu­nity

Congratulations! A good design is a pleasure to build.

Mark Pottle, Pottle & Sons Construction Inc.


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