Swinomish Dental Clinic Expansion

Dental Clinic renovation exterior with mutlicolored wood features

HKP Ar­chi­tects was con­tracted with the Swinomish In­dian Tribal Com­mu­nity (SITC) to de­sign an ex­pan­sion of their ex­ist­ing den­tal clinic. As part of the clin­ic’s ex­pan­sion, the tribe has also been ap­proved to train Den­tal Health Aide Ther­a­pists (DHATs) and is in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Sk­agit Val­ley Col­lege to pro­vide the clin­i­cal train­ing site which would be housed in this ex­pan­sion.  This DHAT Train­ing pro­gram, with four ded­i­cated chairs and class­room space, will be the first of its kind in the lower 48 states.

waiting room view of dental clinic
hallway view of dental clinic

Winner, Merit Award, 2020 AIA Northwest

This project has a tasteful aesthetic look as well as good use of space. The vibrant colors provide an appealing contrast that works well with the location of the building. It incorporated sustainable strategies such as solar shading but maintains the cultural design of the existing building. In the design stage, consideration for archeological boundaries where considered. During the construction of the addition, strategic phasing was incorporated to keep the existing Dental Clinic and Senior Center open. The overall integration of ADA accessible pathways which connected the upper and lower levels is a great consideration into the design of the building. The interior provides pockets of colors which continue the cultural design from the exterior of the building.
— Jury's comments
Side exterior view of dental clinic renovation
southwest exterior image of dental clinic renovation
office of dental clinic

Lake Cavanaugh Residence Addition


Electrical Apprentice Training Center