Electrical Apprentice Training Center


The North­west Elec­tri­cal Joint Ap­pren­tice Train­ing Cen­ter (NWE­JATC) is ex­pand­ing to the east side of Wash­ing­ton state. In conjunction with the training center in Mount Vernon, this training center in Wenatchee provides apprentice electrician training for the entire state.

building in the middle of construction

In 2018, HKP Ar­chi­tects was hired to de­velop a Fea­si­bil­ity Study to ex­pand and/​or re­lo­cate the Mount Ver­non cen­ter and out of that study came the need for a train­ing lo­ca­tion on the east side so that ap­pren­tices did­n’t have to travel over the pass dur­ing the win­ter and spend weeks at a time away from their fam­i­lies.

The new cen­ter is a ten­ant im­prove­ment pro­ject in an ex­ist­ing re­tail build­ing in We­natchee, which offers a large open lab space, class­rooms, con­fer­ence rooms, of­fice space and sup­port. This Design/Build project was completed in the summer of 2022.


Swinomish Dental Clinic Expansion


Twin Lakes Landing