Bellingham Technical College Campus Center

This pro­ject is a new 74,500 square foot, three-story build­ing in the cen­ter of the Bellingham Technical College cam­pus. The fa­cil­ity meets the LEED Green Build­ing Rat­ing of Gold.

West lobby of campus center
interior redesign of campus center

The build­ing houses the aca­d­e­mic pro­grams re­lo­cated from Build­ings D, E and F, which in­clude Com­puter Net­work­ing (C-NET) and Busi­ness and Com­puter In­for­ma­tion Sys­tems (BCIS) as well as gen­eral in­struc­tion. In ad­di­tion, the fa­cil­ity al­lows for ex­tra ca­pac­ity for the Culi­nary Arts pro­gram and pro­vides a right-sized li­brary and as­sem­bly space in a tech­no­log­i­cally ad­vanced fa­cil­ity. Also in­cluded is a Large Group In­struc­tion space for pre­sen­ta­tions and events, the Cam­pus Book­store and a Stu­dent Cen­ter.

campus center library

Build­ings D, E, F and I, which com­prised the build­ing site, were de­mol­ished in the course of this pro­ject and de­vel­oped into rain­gar­dens, land­scap­ing and park­ing.


Swinomish Healing Home


Board and Batten ADU