Governor Islee Names Mount Vernon Library Commons in Cimate Policy Brief

Governor Jay Inslee Policy Brief December 2021

Gov­er­nor Jay In­slee is­sued his Cli­mate Pol­icy Brief this De­cem­ber to high­light ini­tia­tives fo­cused on cli­mate re­silient de­sign and clean en­ergy.  He named the Mount Ver­non Li­brary Com­mons as one pro­ject of merit, adding $4 mil­lion dol­lars in ad­di­tional fund­ing for the EV Charg­ing Sta­tions.

The pro­ject will be Pas­sive House, all elec­tric, and have a 116 kW so­lar sys­tem to pro­vide ap­prox­i­mately 18% of the build­ing’s en­ergy load.  The pro­ject is fin­ish­ing de­sign this spring with con­struc­tion slated for early sum­mer of 2022.


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